Kevin and Shelly fly solo for discussion on popularized news stories with medicine and anesthesia. Grab bag of stories from media and stories they've heard. Engaging discussion sure to entertain and bring the ridiculousness out for all to enjoy
Kevin and Shelly are with guest host Ben "The Sloop Dog" Sloop for discussions about ASRA 2016 and interesting nerve block stories. Sloop tells a story of a self administered nerve block and the hilarity that ensues.
Kevin, Shelly, and guest host "The Matt" Baker discuss transgressions of Hollywood in portraying medical events and ways they got it horribly wrong. The discussion is lively and notably pointed with instances of clearly incorrect depictions of medical practice on the silver screen and televison.
In this episode Kevin and Shelly discuss the storied adventures of friends managing difficult airways. Always the challenging event, but some successes and lessons learned.
In the very first episode of Anesthesia Wise Guys Kevin and Shelly introduce themselves, and the Podcast. The article of discussion is CSF Lavage. Bizzare.